What comes to mind when you hear the words soldier, war, and battle? Most of us in our North American sheltered lives have never lived through a war firsthand, but we are well aware that war is a reality for most. We've maybe heard our grandparents talk about their experiences, read history books, watched movies, or have seen images of war on the news and Internet. Everywhere we look, people are at war. History keeps repeating itself. And I don't think this is about to change anytime soon. The world is at war. It will continue to be at war until this present earth has passed away.
My next question is why?? What makes nations turn against nations? Civilians turn against civilians? One race or religion turn against another? Why do husbands, fathers, and brothers leave all that is familiar and safe to them to pack up their bags, put on the soldier's uniform, and go into battle, risking limb and life? Maybe for some people, the idea of war brings about images of romance. There is the challenge,the conquering, and the victory that awaits you. There is the coming home to loved ones who wait for you with open arms ready to deem you as their hero and shower you with metals and badges of honour . But does a soldier go into war simply for this purpose? Sure, this may be a motivating factor to keep going on in the battle, but why does a soldier enter the battle in the first place? Is it not because he sees a cause worth fighting and dying for? Whether it's for freedom, to defend a moral or ethical issue, or gain territory and land, there is always a cause when one enlists in a war. A popular saying goes something like this "you have never really lived until you find something worth dying for." Why is this in the heart of every man?
I believe that it is because God has made us and created us for this very thing. And I'm not talking about the kind of war that we see all around us in the Internet, on TV, and in history books. I'm talking about another war. A battle this is going on in the heavenly realms every moment of every day. In Ephesians 5:12, Paul tells us that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places". In 2 Timothy 2:3-4 we are told to share in the sufferings as a good soldier of Christ, to not get entangled in civilian pursuits, and to aim to please the one who enlisted us. This sounds like war to me!
What does this all mean for me and for you? I titled this post "A Soldier's Prayer", as I've recently been reminded of the fact that I am a soldier enlisted in a war, and every single morning when my feet hit the floor I am engaging in spiritual warfare and entering a battlefield. I have been enlisted by the One who has saved me from eternal condemnation. He has called me to fight for a cause. One that has eternal consequences. This can all seem a bit scary and overwhelming. Thoughts of defeat come easily. "I'm no soldier. I'm just a girl with a regular job, with too many weaknesses and failures to count. I give up way too easily, and I feel so inadequate". But this is no mindset of a soldier! A battle will never be won if those are the thoughts that plague my mind!
Where do I then turn? Where do you and I go to equip ourselves with a mind and body that is ready for this war? God's word reveals to us the challenge and battle that awaits us, but it doesn't stop there. It also reveals to us the armour available to us before we head out to the battlefield! This morning I was praying for a friend, and I couldn't seem to find the words to pray and the Holy Spirit directed me to pray the armour of God over this person, and suddenly I felt encouraged that whatever he/she was facing, he/she would be adequately equipped for the battles ahead! And this is our hope as we enter the biggest war of all time. This war matters more than anything else. We are fighting for the cause of Jesus Christ. We are telling people of the hope that we have in Him for all of eternity, the salvation of our souls. We are bringing a message of hope to a world that has no hope without God! (Ephesians 2:12)
Brothers and sisters, let's not take this lightly! Let's not entangle ourselves in the affairs of this world when there is a battle going on in the heavenly realms. I invite you and encourage you to take this prayer and pray it over someone today, or even to pray it over yourself. Let's put on our armour and fight!
"Heavenly Father, I thank you for not leaving us defenseless in this battle. Thank you for equipping us with everything we need to win this war. Today I pray for __________. I ask that you would equip __________ in order that he/she may fight the battle with courage. Fasten _______with the belt of truth. Fill his/her mind with thoughts that are fixed on what is true. Silence the evil one who is the deceiver and father of lies. Clothe ______ with the breastplate of righteousness. Help him/her to long for righteousness, and to walk in obedience. Remind him/her that our righteousness comes from Christ and His finished work on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21). Place on _______'s feet the shoes of the gospel of peace. Remove any confusion in his/her mind, for we know that you are not the author of confusion, but of peace (1 Cor 14:33). Thank you that you are our PEACE (Ephesians 2:14). Give ______ the shield of faith to extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one. Help him/her to deflect the flaming darts of temptation, self defeat, condemnation, worry, depression, anxiety, fear, and any other attacks that are coming against him/her. Place on _______'s head the helmet of salvation. We know that if we are your child, nothing can snatch us out of your hand (John 10:28). We are given the seal of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee for our salvation (2 Corinth 1:22). Let him/her feel the Holy Spirit in this moment. Put the sword of the Spirit, your word, in ______'s hand, for we know that your Word is alive and active and sharper than any double edged sword. Give him/her a hunger and passion for your word. Help him/her to know that your word is truth and with it, we can cast down every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinth 10:5). Keep ____ alert in the battle, grant him/her perseverance to finish strong right to the end! Give _______ courage to speak boldly the mystery of the gospel to others so that all may come to know the forgiveness that is found in Christ. Jesus, thank you for covering ______ with the Armour of God today. Give us steadfastness to cast off every weight of sin that so easily entangles and hinders us. Thank you for winning this battle for us! In Jesus name, AMEN!"
I believe that it is because God has made us and created us for this very thing. And I'm not talking about the kind of war that we see all around us in the Internet, on TV, and in history books. I'm talking about another war. A battle this is going on in the heavenly realms every moment of every day. In Ephesians 5:12, Paul tells us that "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places". In 2 Timothy 2:3-4 we are told to share in the sufferings as a good soldier of Christ, to not get entangled in civilian pursuits, and to aim to please the one who enlisted us. This sounds like war to me!
What does this all mean for me and for you? I titled this post "A Soldier's Prayer", as I've recently been reminded of the fact that I am a soldier enlisted in a war, and every single morning when my feet hit the floor I am engaging in spiritual warfare and entering a battlefield. I have been enlisted by the One who has saved me from eternal condemnation. He has called me to fight for a cause. One that has eternal consequences. This can all seem a bit scary and overwhelming. Thoughts of defeat come easily. "I'm no soldier. I'm just a girl with a regular job, with too many weaknesses and failures to count. I give up way too easily, and I feel so inadequate". But this is no mindset of a soldier! A battle will never be won if those are the thoughts that plague my mind!
Where do I then turn? Where do you and I go to equip ourselves with a mind and body that is ready for this war? God's word reveals to us the challenge and battle that awaits us, but it doesn't stop there. It also reveals to us the armour available to us before we head out to the battlefield! This morning I was praying for a friend, and I couldn't seem to find the words to pray and the Holy Spirit directed me to pray the armour of God over this person, and suddenly I felt encouraged that whatever he/she was facing, he/she would be adequately equipped for the battles ahead! And this is our hope as we enter the biggest war of all time. This war matters more than anything else. We are fighting for the cause of Jesus Christ. We are telling people of the hope that we have in Him for all of eternity, the salvation of our souls. We are bringing a message of hope to a world that has no hope without God! (Ephesians 2:12)
Brothers and sisters, let's not take this lightly! Let's not entangle ourselves in the affairs of this world when there is a battle going on in the heavenly realms. I invite you and encourage you to take this prayer and pray it over someone today, or even to pray it over yourself. Let's put on our armour and fight!

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for not leaving us defenseless in this battle. Thank you for equipping us with everything we need to win this war. Today I pray for __________. I ask that you would equip __________ in order that he/she may fight the battle with courage. Fasten _______with the belt of truth. Fill his/her mind with thoughts that are fixed on what is true. Silence the evil one who is the deceiver and father of lies. Clothe ______ with the breastplate of righteousness. Help him/her to long for righteousness, and to walk in obedience. Remind him/her that our righteousness comes from Christ and His finished work on the cross (2 Corinthians 5:21). Place on _______'s feet the shoes of the gospel of peace. Remove any confusion in his/her mind, for we know that you are not the author of confusion, but of peace (1 Cor 14:33). Thank you that you are our PEACE (Ephesians 2:14). Give ______ the shield of faith to extinguish the flaming darts of the evil one. Help him/her to deflect the flaming darts of temptation, self defeat, condemnation, worry, depression, anxiety, fear, and any other attacks that are coming against him/her. Place on _______'s head the helmet of salvation. We know that if we are your child, nothing can snatch us out of your hand (John 10:28). We are given the seal of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee for our salvation (2 Corinth 1:22). Let him/her feel the Holy Spirit in this moment. Put the sword of the Spirit, your word, in ______'s hand, for we know that your Word is alive and active and sharper than any double edged sword. Give him/her a hunger and passion for your word. Help him/her to know that your word is truth and with it, we can cast down every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ (2 Corinth 10:5). Keep ____ alert in the battle, grant him/her perseverance to finish strong right to the end! Give _______ courage to speak boldly the mystery of the gospel to others so that all may come to know the forgiveness that is found in Christ. Jesus, thank you for covering ______ with the Armour of God today. Give us steadfastness to cast off every weight of sin that so easily entangles and hinders us. Thank you for winning this battle for us! In Jesus name, AMEN!"
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